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SMAC 2022

The Students Missions Awareness Conference, SMAC, 2022 is a conference you don’t want to miss for anything in the world – Great speakers, great topic, amazing sessions, you’ll love it


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Preach Christ

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily - Colossians 1:28,29

What is SMAC 2022 About?

The urgency of the Gospel is no joke

Do you know about the 10/40 Window?

Are you aware that the world constitutes 17,433 People Groups? And out of this 7,398 representing 42.2% are unreached (an identifiable group of people distinguished by a distinct culture, language, or social class who lack a community of Christians able to evangelize the rest of the people group without outside help).

Have you heard that Ghana has 19 unreached people groups? Do you know that 1,775,500 people are unreached in Ghana?

Are you aware that according to Finishing the Task, there are 218 remaining unengaged, unreached people groups numbering over 5.7 million souls that are still beyond the reach of the Gospel?

Do you know 269 of the 545 people groups in China do not have even Bible portions available in their primary language?

Are you aware 2,138 people groups in the world do not have Scripture portions or audio recordings available in their primary language, comprising 165,000,000 individuals?

Has it occurred to you that 1,935 people groups in the 10/40 Window have neither Scripture portions nor the Jesus film available in their primary language, comprising 212,000,000 individuals?


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What Participants Are Saying

I have been going for GHAFES Conferences since before I was a university student and I can say, they have really shaped my life. GHAFES Conferences are international standard conferences. There is a kind of maturity in how it is organized that your life will never be the same afterwards

Sophia Mensah-Nelson

Attended GHAFE SMAC Conference helped me make the decision to surrender my life to God and to serve as a missionary. I have been serving as a missionary since 2017 and it has been amazing.

Kwame Ohene Awuah

The SMAC I attended in 2018 was exceptional. I had never attended any conference like that; the speakers, the setup, the orderliness, the music, the session. I was totally blessed. It's probably the most amazing conference I have ever heard of

Benjamin Amissah

SMAC 2018 changed my life. As a heard Dr Yaw Perby, the main speaker, scream and shout, "The Fields Are Ripe", I know God was calling me. I knew I had to do something. I knew I had to move to the field and start work. I'm glad I responded.

Shadrack Amissah

God put me on this path when I heard the call of God in my student days at SMAC 2016. My heart was warmed and I could see God's work throughout the world. I decided to respond to the clear voice of God I heard after a presentation by James Amoah Mensah, the GHAFES Missions Coordinator by then

Bright Aboagye Obeng

Missions, Discipleship, Praying, Going & Giving


Amazing Mission Partners


From The Speakers' Notebook


Till Will Meet Again

Next Conference in 2025